Thursday 31 May 2012

The Path To Wholeness: Healing The Four Elements

The word "Holistic" came from the word whole, to become whole again and holy, but how can we retrieved the lost fragments of our self?

The main principles of holistic health is to Cleanse, Detox, Nourish and Balance the energy, it is in this order that it was applied, you can not nourish and balance the energy in your body without cleansing and detoxifying first, in order the treatment to be more effective cleans and detox first.

Elimination channels.: 
This is a very important organs in our body, this is where we eliminates our body wastes and toxins, they are the kidneys, liver, intestines, anus, ear, nose, throat, skin. The functions are self explanatory, so we really have to care of this organs if one fails we are likely to develop a disease or a condition. So before nourishing we have to make sure we regularly cleans and detox our elimination channels.

Balance of Energy
There are so many imbalances in the energy levels of people of today due o stress, depressions, lack of exercise and physical activity, meditations, yoga, tai-chi, qi-gong, kung-fu, karate are some forms of activity that can balance one's energy.

The four lower bodies (elements) in Oriental medicine (Fire air water and earth) correspond to spiritual, mental , emotional and physical manifestations of well being. The cause of Disease or Dis-ease is due to imbalances in any of the elements. The precipitation of disease starts from spiritual stage to mental to emotional until it become physical, exactly in that order or manner, when it is physical already we need physical intervention could be with use of conventional or traditional medicine. Certain karmic conditions manifest as disease because it was not rectify at the spiritual stage, or mental or emotional stages, sometimes science can not understand why some people feels sick and yet physical examinations is normal, that is why they  have a term "psychosomatic disease" or psychological disease.

The four stages of disease and the four levels of healing:

Healing the fire element ( spiritual): Some dis-eases are in the spiritual level, meaning if you are not attune with your divine self or your God,  sometimes physical disease heals the spirit and make some people closer to God. It a way of the spirit calling our attention for the abuses we have done in our body. Spiritual renewal is a great medicine it makes us connected with the divine and be inspired on how we deal with our emotions, mind and physical world. Some disease are of spiritual in nature, if you are not spiritually healthy it affects your mind, emotions and the disease become physical (precipitated). No matter what is your religion or religious affiliation it doesn't matter as long as you are comfortable on your belief system, remember being religious doesn't mean we are spiritual and being spiritual it doesn't mean we have to be religious. It is more of a personal relationship and attunement with your God. Prayers, meditations, affirmations and rituals  are spiritual tools to get us attuned to the source.

Healing the Air elements (Mental): They say that we can't go on our spiritual way with mental problems, many people not aware they have mental problems and needs a professional help, I also is not an exemption, I went through a difficult childhood and have so many excess baggage in the pasts but I overcome it makes peace with the past, this also makes me liberated, learn the art of forgiveness and be  a more better person than I used to be.  It healed old wounds and make me look forward and grow spiritually.Discovery of our inner child is a great healer of the mind, we have to have a child-like (not childish) attitude to deal with our psyche, they say a child's mind is pure and is unadulterated.

Healing the water (Emotional): Emotions are like water sometimes it is clear and peaceful and sometimes turbulent. Roller coaster emotion leads to many conditions and disease, like hypertension, they say caused by stress which is an effect if we could not contain our emotions, anger is a destructive force, emotional outburst is not really healthy, so we have to learn and manage anger. One way is to learn compassion not sympathy and be more understanding of one's personal space and problems. Listen to classical music and not to destructive music like rock music and ballads with subliminal messages ( you may also read my post on musical energy). Take time to relax, stop and smell the roses, go to spa, or a salon and treat yourself for a relaxing and pampering session, learn o love yourself and others and their imperfections. If you have problems in your psyche it will be hard to deal with your emotions, emotional problems are precipitation from the mental stage. If you could heal your emotions it will heal your psyche as well.

Healing the Earth element (Physical form): This  one is too complicated, it is a stage of final precipitation of a disease or condition. It is the hardest part to deal and sometimes you really to go through the process of dealing with the four elements and undergo conventional medical intervention, it could be surgery or rehabilitation.  When the Disease is physical you have to deal with it physically, it may take a long process and it could be hard. Both conventional and traditional approach may be applied, it is all about choices, if you choose a holistic approach: cleans, detox, nourish, balance energy and  for conventional it could be surgery, antibiotics and other medical interventions. So it is important to address our health at the level of spiritual stage, from there it is easier to be transmuted. 

Just to summarized my point:

Stages of Dis-ease: (how disease manifest )

Spiritual >>>>>> Mental>>>>>Emotional>>>>>>Physical

Stages of Healing: ( healing the disease  starts at healing our mind and soul) 


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