Tuesday 15 May 2012

Disclaimer and Clarification Guidelines in Using My Blog

I am registered Medical Technologist (Clinical Laboratory Scientist) and not a Doctor or Physician, I have no authority to diagnose and treat diseases and manage a medical condition. My informations provided here are more of a nutritional counselling, wellness consultation and preventive measures we can apply based on and limited to my studies, interests, knowledge, background and experiences. I respect the practice of Medicine for I also came there  and it is the community I served. 

If you need Surgery or Chemotherapy or Medical interventions it is a duty of a Physician to treat you based on their knowledge you may choose to do so, Sometimes if the disease is so physical no amount of natural or preventive measures could work, too late the hero, so we need to undergo such or certain medical procedures and then until we fully recovered we can do preventive and holistic intervention. 

It is also not mean to give medical advice and interfere with the management of the Physician. I have been ask many times for advice regarding a medical condition or issues, even surgery, my answers always is that, It is your body, I don't want to commit mistakes, I am not in authority to do so, always consult and refer to a medical specialist.

I encourage readers not to follow blindly but pursue to discover new alternatives in choosing a path to wellness,  use your heart-felt conclusion and judgement in dealing with your own health issues, as for myself, I tried as much as possible making myself as the laboratory of my being, when I read an article on health or new discoveries, I research and ask around, I experiment and try to prove the basis and the facts, my medical background really help to understand and figure out if such things are hoax or factual, because sometimes common sense are a great teacher and a judge. There are many health issues and articles circulating the internet, e-mails, social networks that are totally baseless, that could also mislead readers, so again heart-felt conclusion, discernment  and common sense should be practice and consult your Physician for guidance. 

Some of the articles posted here are proven as far as my knowledge is concerned from testimonials, my own observations and actual experiences. Although I must admit some do not have the elaborate medical studies locally but few are tried and tested.

Most of the postings are based on my reading and studies and not actually my own understanding, although,  I put my own words in some works, my job is to compile and organized those things that based on my conclusion and opinion could be helpful, In some cases that original authors are not acknowledge it is due to the fact that it was forwarded or shared to me without attribution, in that case my apologies and let this be an affirmation of gratefulness to the original authors. My words, insights, opinion  and thoughts in articles and posts does not  necessarily represent the opinion of the medical community or experts. 

The term Healing is understatement, it is a general term not necessarily a practice of Medicine (the way I understand it), It is different from medical treatment or cure, to me it is more of  remedies and acceptance.

I hope the readers find it beneficial, specially those with limited financial resources to take an active participation in their own good health using the tips and infornations in this site, Some authors and sources are acknowledge in the articles, These are all inspiration to really help my family and love ones to have a cheaper, safe and sweeter way of taking care of their health naturally.

God Bless,

 Ronnie C. Bernardo, RMT

* Tien Cho is a Buddhist name given to me by a Buddhist Riponche during a refuge, that I decided to use as pen name. 

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