Tuesday 3 July 2012

Healthy Cooking

Use of Earthen Pot for cooking, why it is healthier and better..

What is the healthiest way of cooking food?

Earthen pots are made of clay, if you noticed, I have an article here admiring the wonders of clay, for beauty, health and cooking, it is a natural earth element and contains many useful substances like minerals, clay also absorbs heat and cold better, I remember when I was young in the province, we use earthen water jar made of terracotta clay, the water is always tastes fresh, cool and clean even for days, it preserves the natural states of water and giving it more life and minerals, no need for refrigeration, oh how I miss those days,  the explanation is that clay also rich in far infrared rays (FIR), it is the natural rays invisible to the eyes, it hold the heat and cold better, so when use for cooking if gives more heat and less fire is needed (talk about saving on gas), I have tried it too, even when you turn off the fire, it is still boiling hot, meat tenderized better, and releases its full aroma and tastes. Better than metallic pots and pans, which are made of aluminum or coated with teflon which are carcinogenic.To give a simple explanation on what is FIR and how it gives life, it is the heat generated by the chicken hens to warm and hatch the eggs, many scientist are tapping the usefulness of this rays, to rejuvenate cells and for healing. The sources are natural sunlight, earth, heat generated by physical body (warm hugs), I suggest you search the net, I do not want to provide some link since most of them are selling their FIR products, you might misunderstood that I endorsed them, but most of them provide a good explanation. I used this earthen pots to cook stews, boiling herbal teas, cooking rice and making soups and it turns out I save on gas, energy and cooking time and food tastes better.

There is a saying "God send in the food, the devil send in the cook", it is really God desires our food to be eaten or prepared as raw as possible and in its most natural state, The cook simply spoil the food and make it unhealthy and processed, removing nutrients such as enzymes, minerals and adding a lot of flavorings and additives and so on..We should bring back the old habit and early days of preparing our food. Readers might want to try raw food preparation, a kind of delicious and healthy raw food preparation for cleansing and quantum healing, it will be discussed in a separate article.

Earthen Vs. Teflon and Aluminum cookwares:

We all know that the heavy metals form aluminum cookwares can goes into your food and slowly contaminating food with heavy metal particles, specially when cooking at high temperature and when using acidic ingredients such as vinegar. Aluminum metals said to be the backbone of some cancer molecular helix and carcinogens, so try to avoid this as much as you can, also avoid using aluminum pans and serving trays (disposable), aluminum foils for steaming and grilling or wrapping. 

Use flame over electric stove.

I still prefer gas stove or wood fire for cooking rather than electric stove, In macrobiotic cooking fire is still better, it can change the molecular structure of the food we cook, it is also a natural element, the fire is a symbol of our soul, and can give alchemical changes to the quality of food, kills the bacteria better and produced even/balanced cooking, but well it's just a suggestion, when cooking with fire is not possible to your home and electric stove is the only available, what can we do, it is not that bad, what I am saying is that if we only have an options or choice.

Here is one article to tell you why you should not use teflon:

to be continued...

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