Sunday 15 July 2012

My Thoughts on Vegetarianism, Macrobiotic and Other Diets

All of us is searching for a perfect diet, but did you know that there is no perfect diet that applies to all, but each of us must discover the perfect diet or unique diet for individuals' own needs and requirement, my diet can work for me but not for everyone, same as vegetarianism may work for you but not for me, there are so many things and factors to consider, at this point I don't really like how they change the Idea of vegetarianism, the fact is that if you are serious about vegetarianism you should follow the raw food diet of vegetables and fruits because that is our natural tastes for food, not those processed vege-meats, gluten and Seitan of today's vegetarian diet. I tried being a vegetarian but it is not just the diet for me, my body type require some meat like beef or chicken but I say no to pork because I am a blood type "O" individual that requires some meat (see my blog article on "Diet according to blood types"). I told this to some vegetarians, that eating processed vege-meats is not healthy, because the processing, canning and cooking strip off the nutrients and not to mention that preservatives are also being used. When you are vegetarian you have a tendency to crave for sweets to compensate for the cravings for meats, maybe that's why I noticed when I attended a vegetarian feast there are a lot of sweets, which is fattening, yes, I noticed too that hard core vegetarians are Fat (well..most of them), also being a hard core vegetarians deprives one of other nutrients needed by the body which can not be found in vegetables alone such as eggs, meats, fish and shell fish. I do love vegetables but the real ones that is organic and freshly produced not the processed vege-meats, vegetarians today are eating. There many diet fads today, some even endorsed by celebrities, and some make a lot of money out of it by branding a diet and capitalizing on one's search for the perfect diet. Some of them are branded such as, Atkins, Cohen, South beach, Borough's Zone diet, etc etc. but I must say they are not sustainable and in reality doesn't work for everyone and some has a temporary results.

The closest to perfect diet for me is the Macrobiotic Diet by Michio Kushi, it is a healing and balanced diet by itself and based on the yin and yang energy of the foods and one's body constitution, area of location, season, ethnicity and culture. So it is not same for everyone, individual should evaluate themselves and find the right food for them. I encourage everyone to get a book by Michio Kushi on Macrobiotics , this is the diet recommended by sages, and will guide you to find the right food for you. This is a very interesting books, I used to attend lectures by Steven Acuff one of Michio Kushi's student.

Example of macrobiotic food is the Japanese Miso Soup, It is a very nutritious soup because it has sea weeds, fermented soy (miso) and tofu as a source of protein.

My Favorite Japanese Miso Soup. Miso soup is the most balanced food in Macrobiotic diet, it has both the yin and yang energy, it is one of the Japanese's secret to longevity. In boiling water just add dashida (fish/seafood powder) powder silk tofu (diced), turn off the heat then add miso paste dissolve in water (available in Jap store and supermarket), and Dried seaweeds/sea mustard (cut into small pieces and soak in water first to hydrate), add some scallions (chopped), voila may miso soup kana.
Optional: Dashi-da (serves as natural seasoning) also available in Jap store (dried fish powder with mushroom and garlic powder), some miso paste in the market already mixed with dashi so no need dashi, some miso paste are just plain fermented soya, kumbaga timplado na yung iba so read the labels. Note: just add a dash of dashi, too much can make your soup "malansa" in taste.
Also do not boil the miso and seaweed for it can breakdown the nutrients, you can reheat it but not boil.

Also eating fruits in season available in your area is a macrobiotic way of life.

To know more about macrobiotic diet click the ff link below, enjoy!:-)

As I always remember the saying, " you can not eat your way to heaven", even Hitler is a vegetarian,  but he doesn't become a saint.

Sample pyramid of anti-inflammatory diet:

Tien Cho

Find out why artificial food is really a taste of chemotherapy.

"I saw few die of hunger; of eating, a hundred thousand." ~ Benjamin Franklin

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