Sunday 15 July 2012

On Healing with Crystals and Gemstones

Crystals and Gemstones are not only to wear for good fortune and aesthetic purposes but it is a substance of the earth (produced by elementals such as gnomes), it is a living element and has the molecular quality to hold light and vibrations, if use properly it can be a tool or accessory for your healing, success and well-being.

Crystals can be an aid in meditation, I used to have a Amethyst, Jade and Quarts crystal s necklace, and use it for meditation. My altar also has crystals (clusters) like amethyst and quartz to amplify the energies of prayers.

 But  like the earth and its people, crystals are also not free from karmic conditions and it can also absorb some negative vibrations form the source, environment and to all the hands that touched it. Crystals are also amplifier of energy and vibrations, so it means it amplify even the negative conditions such as discord, hate and downward spirals of our environment, so it is better not to expose it to too much negative environment for it can also amplify the negatives. 

Before use Crystals should be demagnetized, Charged and Sealed, once demagnetized, charged and sealed, it can be a powerful tool and aid in well-being, I also recommend that Rosaries or prayer beads should be made with crystals, it could be jade, lavender, blue sapphire etc. because plastics or resin materials are dead substance, and can not hold the light of your prayers,  If you used crystal rosary for example, all your prayers could be stored there in form of vibrations and can be used or wear when sick for healing, Crystals have different colors, qualities, vibrations, magnetic qualities and uses, examples are:

Diamonds and Lapiz lazuli are good if you are a leader and it is good to ward off evil eyes, bad spirits, entities or discarnates. 

Jade and Emerald is for health, healing and abundance (spiritual and material).

Amethyst has a calming effect, so it is good for meditations and person who has difficulty to focus and those hyper and rattled persons.

Quarts balances ones energy and the pink crystals believed to attract love in life.

Ruby: is a very strong crystals when it comes to energizing, it is good for weak, sluggish or sloppy individual to be more active, so if you are a hyperactive individual ruby is not recommended because it can make you agitated and more hyperactive.

I would like to share a prayer or mantra or a call if you prefer, to demagnetize, charge and seal crystals and gemstones:

Place Crystals/Gemstones in the left hand-" where we received" (Alpha) and cover it with the right hand -"where we give" (Omega), take a deep breath and visualize the divine self .

To Demagnetize:

In the name of Almighty God, In the name I AM that I AM, My Holy Christ Self, I call forth light! demagnetize this crystal/s now, demagnetize it of all vibrations, out of balance, out of alignment, all karmic records of this planet and the aura where it has been, all the hands that have touched it, all human vibrations, anything less than the Christ, By the power of the Great Central Sun Magnet, let every atoms, electrons of this crystals be demagnetized now, by the power and light of the seven rays, I call forth, I decree it and accept it done in full power and I thank thee O God!

To Charge:

Lord God Almighty, In the name of I AM THAT I AM, I call forth the Divine Mother to charge, charge and charge this crystals with the healing power, intensify with the ray and flame. O beloved Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, sarasvati, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali, come forth now, come forth O sweetness of the divine mother , charge it by the holy breath, charge it by thy holy hands, charge it by the whole light of the seven rays, By the cosmic cross of white fire, I accept it done this hour in full power and I thanks thee O God!

To Seal:

In the name of Almighty God, In the me of I AM THAT I AM, I call forth the sealing of this crystal with the blue flame of Archangel Michael by the solar ring, from any negative vibrations and out of alignment in the environment and whoever hands that will touch it, protect it from absorbing negative energies and vibrations that is not of the Christ. I accept it done in full power, Amen. It is sealed, It is finished, It is done for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it  and I thank thee O God.

A word of advice from yours truly, One thing you shouldn't not forget, we are all a living crystal waiting to be polished and shine, If we truly embody a Christic crystal/ diamond mind of God and crystallized it into our own being, we don't need these tools/ accessories in attaining our goals in life, for we already have the qualities of all the crystal here on earth, and these physical crystals is just, but a reminder of our own true identity and we reached the self realization/mastery.

Tien Cho

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