Thursday 5 July 2012

Natural Kidney Care

Avoid Kidney diseases, dialysis and kidney stones by taking care and cleansing your kidneys regulary:

Health Tips For Kidney :
 Dehydration is one of top most reason that damages your kidney.Men usually remain more dehydrated than women........... Much drinking of pure water can save your Kidneys for long to life long time without any complication. So drink while you are indoor,outdoor, resting Every time.!

By using the following herbs:

Avocado leaves tea- Boil fresh avocado leaves, it tastes so good as a matter of fact it taste like ceylon tea to me, we do it in our province when we are small child.

Corn tassel tea: Improves the urine flow and restoring the kidney.

  • Barley (rosated) tea. Good for detox
  • Rose Hip tea- Cleans kidneys
  • Pandan leaves tea: Natural diuretic and kidney cleans
  • Lemongrass tea. natural diuretic
  • Lemonade diet
  • Apple cider vinegar:
A large number of kidney stones are of a type that can be dissolved with cider vinegar:
Directions: Use cider vinegar freely on salads consisting of cabbage, carrots, celery, beet root, tomatoes, green onions, parsley, cucumbers. Eat prunes raisins, apples, at bthe same meal with the cider vinegar or salad.

To fight bladder infections with cider vinegar: A large dish of fresh raw tomatoes with generous amount of cider vinegar and olive oil.

1 glass of pure apple juice with teaspoon of cider vinegar. This must be sipped very slowly. This combination should be used at least three times weekly.

Cranberry juice- cleans kidneys and with ant-bacterial and inflammatory effect, good to those who has UTI.

Watermelons: Good for kidney stones.

Water Cure: Drink lots of water, purified, check total dissolved solids and Inorganic mineral content.

Parsley/ Celery Juice

When you juice fast you can try to drink the juices that will help your body heal the parts that are troubling you. Parsley juice may not sound like the typical type of juice to fast with but it is very powerful and it can heal serious ailments in your body. When you juice fast you may want to add some parsley to your juice fast to help your body even more.

Drinking parsley juice is a way to flush out the toxins in your kidneys. Kidneys are important in the cleansing of your body since the kidneys wash the toxins from the body. Parsley can help your kidneys function properly and flush out your body of toxins better. You can find parsley juice at a health food store. You may have trouble finding parsley juice so if you prefer you can drink parsley tea to help your kidneys function properly.

Parsley maintains the smaller blood vessels in the body. Too often the small blood vessels are ignored while we work on keeping out larger blood vessel working properly. The small blood vessels are very important to keep working properly and parsley will help them.

Eye trouble can be helped with a good juice fast that includes parsley. The small blood vessel maintain good eye health and in some cases eye troubles can be helped by a good juice fast that includes parsley. Parsley helps the eyes get stronger by getting better blood circulation to them.

A great juice fast is one that includes parsley, carrot and endive juice in it. Any juice fast is beneficial to the bodies good health. When you juice fast you are helping your body eliminate the poisons that are ingested into the body on a typical day. Juice fasting can be done for as long as your body needs it. If you get hungry while juice fasting it is probably time to stop the fast and eat something healthy. Always stop a fast by eating something healthy.

Change in diet and lifestyle:

When kidneys are not working at optimum, wastes build up in blood instead of being removed by the kidneys. That is why a special diet is important to follow. Some foods may need to be changed in diet for a CKD patient. This may include limiting protein, carbohydrates, fat, fluid, sodium, potassium and phosphorous in diet.

Patient must watch his/her calories. A dietician can help design a meal plan for a CKD patient.


Urea is a waste product that comes from the breakdown of protein. Urea is removed from the blood by kidneys and leaves your body in your urine. Too much protein in diet makes the kidneys work harder and can cause more kidney damage.

Since protein is needed for body, a careful balance is needed to keep your nutrition at best.


It is very important to eat the right amount of calories. Calories come from carbohydrates, proteins, fats and alcohol. It is very important for a CKD patient to get enough calories. Your family and dietician can play an important role in helping you keep this under control.


Carbohydrates are found in breads, cereals, rice, potatoes, fruits and vegetables, sugar, honey, cookies, cakes, sweets and drinks. Again, follow the diet guidelines suggested by your dietician and doctor.

Fats include foods like meat, butter and oils. Fats contain twice the calories as carbohydrates or proteins. Polyunsaturated fats are better than saturated fats. High cholesterol can cause kidney damage and heart diseas
In the beginning there may not be a fluid limit for CKD patients. This is because the kidneys may still be able to make urine, although the urine may not have all the wastes that are in normal urine. The amount of urine may eventually decreases and then there may be need to restrict the fluid intake.

Sodium is a mineral found naturally in almost all foods. The most common form of sodium is table salt. Excess sodium can cause high blood pressure and swelling.

Potassium is a mineral also found in many foods. As the CKS gets worse, too much potassium can cause serious damage. Here is the list of foods that are rich in potassium.

Bananas, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Beans, Chocolate, Nuts, Peaches, Oranges, Milk, Raisins etc.

With CKD, phosphorus may start to build up in blood. Here is the list of foods that are rich in phosphorus.

Milk, Chocolate, Beans, Cheese, Nuts etc.

Your doctor may prescribe a medicine called “phosphorus binder” to bind the extra phosphorus from food and removed in your bowel movements.

Take Charge

The sooner you understand what it means to have CKD, the more likely you are to slow the disease and prevent problems. The basic goals of your health care team should be:
Identify the disease
Prepare you and help you understand the disease
Offer treatment
Educate you about the disease

We hope that many of your questions have been answered and you feel more informed about CKD. We urge you to discuss what you read with your doctor. The more you know about CKD, the more likely you are to help slow and prevent more problems.

Did you know that most diseases of the kidneys remain unnoticed until the problem is severe? You can make a variety of home remedies using herbs and common foods to alleviate a wide range of kidney disorders.

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