Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Importance of Sit-Bath/Sitz Bath/ Banyo Maria

At home, the most practical way doing it is to use a large basin (batya) to soak your hips and buttocks

A must try for everyone, I admit it is a relaxing and detoxifying experience and I feel light and clean after doing the Sit-Bath!

The Sit-Bath or Bano Maria

The seat and origin of the disease usually start from the abdomen. When foreign matters were lodge into the area, fermentation develops. Since heat is the result of fermentative process, steaming reaction is produced. This spread throughout the extremities but usually the head receives most of the punishment because the tendency of heated steam is to go upward. it is only due to large accumulation in the head when the rest of the foreign materrs or toxins are forced to go to the extremities particularly the hands and the feet. When the extremities are so filled up, the wastes are lodged in the calves of the feet and the arms.

When the subconscious power of the body senses the danger of the accumulating poison. it automatically creates or generates a high body temperature to burn, cook or inhibit the menace of growing toxemia. The body automatically develops fever heat to minimize or correct this danger. This is often called acute disease. it may develop first as cold, cough, sinus troubles, pharynx and tonsil inflammation. Inflammation of the eras, eyes, migraines, deafness, imbalance, pain in the neck, thyroid and stinging pain around the scalp are some of the graver consequences of the continuing fermentation of the abdomen. Some people don't develop this automatic inception of fever and so fatal results develop.

Because of this increasing symptoms which the patient mostly do not understand the cause, rather than change his diet or modify his living habits, he goes to the doctor for cure.Usually he/she is prescribed a suppressive drugs such as paracetamol and antibiotics. the doctor knows that there is no drug yet to cure a cold or acute disease. But just the same true to the tradition and practices of his profession, he prescribes something which he hopes will bring healing miracles. His only basis is the accompanying literature of the drug manufacturer stating that it is good for that disease.

Chronic disease means that the foreign matter reaches the organs of the body to the extent of impairing their functions. Continuous drugging and exercise of self-destructive habits such as the consumption of devitalize foods, overwork, worry, fear and other negative practices culminate into grave disease such as cancer. Cancer is the ultimate stage in toxemia but before it develops, it passes a cycle of continues poisoning . From cold into cancer is a normal development. According to experienced and well-known naturopaths like Louis Kuhne, Father Sebastian Kneipp, Adolf Just etc., the fermentative wastes which are accumulated in the neck and head as well as extremities and the various organs of the body which will poison the blood if not eliminated, the Sit-Bath can attract these toxins back to the abdomen and eventually eliminated through the various organs of elimination. I this effect is achieved through he sit bath and they are proven to be true by naturopaths concerned , then the blood is purified eventually leading to a cure of cancer. But this treatment must be accompanied by a natural diet of  fresh fruits and vegetables preferably of organic kinds which are not applied with insecticides and inorganic chemical fertilizers. Natural organic compost used as fertilizer do not need poisonous insecticides to raise nutritious fruits and vegetables so they are effective in cleaning the toxins from the body and in toning the blood and tissues. 

Sitting on a bath tub filled with fresh water for ten minutes or more helps attract poison accumulation at the neck and faceareas which brings colds, asthma, neck congestion and disfigurement.

The sit-bath is recognized as cancer eliminator. An ancient experiences had shown that bodily congestion of the upper part of the body are being cleared up naturally.

The sit-bath is abbreviated system of natural bath of Adolf Just and the friction and sitz-bath of Louis Kuhne. The sit-bath was widely practiced int he Philippines before the rampant occurences of cancer in this modern age. It was called "Bano Maria" in cavite province and also described as "Ligong Upo" in many places in tagalog provinces.

The sit-bath is performed this way: The patient half fills the plastic basinof water preferably. He/she sits on it while the water levels reaches the brim of the basin just enough to reach the level of the surface of the hips joint and to cover the sexual glands. the temperature of the water must be between 72-65 F. Water coming from the faucet is sufficient enough to start with. as the body is already adjusted with the tap water temperature, ice or cold water may be poured into the basin to at least reach a 65F coolness. at this temperature the, the foreign matter is quickly condensed or attracted to flow down the abdomen. The massaging of the abdomen, the inner thigh and the hips down the buttocks is undertaken as the two hands splash water on them. The massaging of the sex glands, colon and the abdomen must take at least seven minutes while the other parts such as thighs and buttocks only three minutes. As the water of the bath absorbs heat from the body, the water temperature gets higher. Ice or iced water from the cooler must be added if available.

In ordinary sit-bath where the energy of the body is strong and the toxins few, the addition of ice or iced water is not necessary. the water inside the basin may be discarded by adding new tap water.

If the basin is large enough to accommodate the feet, or when the bath tub is used, the feet can be allowed to dip together with the buttocks and lower abdomen while the knees are always kept above the water.

When the patient is about to complete the bath, the head and other parts of the body must be washed with water to clean and wash away various skin adhesions and dirt. This should be about one minute or two.

After the bath the patient must continue to go naked in a cold room with open windows or he may stay outside in an open air with just trunk to cover his private parts. he can jump and walk to restore warmth. if the temperature is too cold as in temperate countries, he/she may stay indoors naked if it is convenient.

This natural and effective means of course are always accompanied by severe "healing crises", which manifest themselves in distressing sensations, pains, since the powerful reactions which are produced at once begin to dislodge and expel the foreign matter.

Tien Cho (RCB)

In the Movie: Diary of Anne Frank: a story of a young girl, I saw a perfect Sit-Bath tub, It is a common German practice, they use warm water because of the cold temperature there. How I wish I could find one similar or somebody make those nice sit-bath tub.  

Provided is a link on Sitz bath and a picture:

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