Thursday 5 July 2012

Mechanical Detoxifications

The author trying out Laser or Blood Irradiation Therapy

We had discussed most of Internal cleansing and detox, now there are also mechanical way of doing it.There are a lot of ways to detoxify mechanically using instruments, new inventions, gadgets and apparatus are now available today, I will mention some that I was already experienced and used, some are quite expensive if you buy the equipment yourself, but I can recommend a place where you can avail them in case you want to try it out for yourself, Health really is an investment and certainly not free, It pays to be healthy and being healthy these days will really cost you. the advantage of some mechanical detox is that it is fast and effective. Here are some that I really enjoyed.

Helium-Neon Laser Chelation/Blood irradiation Machine

This machine is very popular and in fact developed from Russia, It was being use also by some hospitals in China and Taiwan. In the Philippines it was already being use during the 70's and 80's but to a more selected clients because at that time it is not a quite popular treatment, now more and more clinics and physician are using this technology.

Laser Biochelation is a Russian technology which uses Helium Neon Laser to:

1. cleanse or to disintegrate the plaques attached to the walls of the circulatory system within the heart and the peripheral arterial system and soften the blood vessels as it eliminates the heavy metal deposits within the walls of the arterial system.

2. it stimulates the production of new generation of young blood cells

3. has anti inflammatory and analgesic effect

Helium-Neon Laser was introduced IV to cleanse and detoxify the blood

It's me having a Laser Bio-Chelation Therapy  

Beam Ray (Light and Sound frequency machine)

Using Light and Sound frequency to destroy the harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses and cancer cells inside the body.

Royal Rife was an independent scientist who invented the most powerful live optical microscope in the 1930s. He was the first to see many germs in their live state, including viruses. He applied frequency generators to catalog at what frequencies the germs were destroyed. His frequency generator device is generically called a rife machine. They tried commercializing the rife machine during the 1940s and 1950s but failed to do so and the technology was almost lost
Ionic Foot Detox

The Ionic Foot Detoxification idea is a controversial one. Defenders are amazed at the evident toxins expelled from the body and the positive effects on their overall health. Detractors say that the same "toxins" will be seen after running the foot bath with no feet in it at all!

So what is the truth about the many ionic foot detox baths available out in the marketplace? The idea is that the device emits negative ions into the water. With your feet placed in the ionically charged bath, the feet are said to shed heavy metals and other toxins. Additionally, the negative ions entering the body at the feet bind with and neutralize positively charged heavy metals and toxins, which are thus neutralized and can be evacuated by the body's excretory system.

Natural Cures: The therapy is thought to be good for overall detoxification of the body, improved joint health, improved circulation, reduced fatigue, and a stronger immune system among other positive health effects.

Me having foot detox  


In 1994 one year later, Dr. Hulda Clark came out with "her invention" of a simple electronic "Zapper" and published the schematic diagram in her book, "The Cure For All Diseases". That same year, the PAPIMI Device is patented worldwide, and is the most expensive energy machine made. You can check it on the Papimi website. It weighs over 80 lbs and costs $57,000 USD and has been rated as "the best" anywhere, world-wide.. It operates by combing the high-voltage Magnetic Radiation energy theory of Tesla's energy coil, and combines all the selected frequencies of Dr. Raymond Rife. The result is a fine machine costing a fortune, but is an energy life-saver. It works so well it is used in many of Europe's hospitals.

Far Infra Red rays Bath:

Far Infrared therapy (FIR) involves the use of Far Infrared rays to gently heal, soothe, stimulate and detox the physical body, as well as the mind.

Far Infrared Rays are invisible waves of energy that have the ability to penetrate all layers of the human physical body, penetrating into the inner-most regions of the tissues, muscles and bone.

An ancient technique, Far Infrared Therapy uses these waves, or rays, of energy to slightly elevate the surface temperature of the body. When we slightly induce a very small temperature increase, we can enhance our body’s functioning on multiple levels. Our hands, bodies and the sun emit FIR energy at all times. In Ancient China, palm healing was used to pass these infrared rays from one person to another.

In modern times, it is commonly referred to as Reiki. The Yogis of Ancient India also used FIR in palm healing, and particularly found it useful to place palms over the eyes in the case of eye dryness or strain. Many types of thermal healing have been used in ancient civilizations including Japan, China, India, the Americas, Northern Europe and ancient Rome.

Far Infrared Health Benefits

am a huge fan of using Far Infrared as an aid in detoxification. I have found that this type of therapy may help in fat loss, chronic fatigue, water retention, skin disorders, as well as in the elimination heavy metals, poisons, and carcinogenic material from our bodies.
Whenever we process food, and particularly when we have processed unhealthy food or meats, our bodies create lactic acids and free fatty acids, as well as excess sodium and uric acid. In my patients who have skin problems, I have often found that this type of therapy can help clean the liver and kidneys, instead of overworking the skin in processing our toxins out through the dermis.
Far Infrared therapy very gently increases blood flow by expanding the capillaries that carry blood. It also increases oxygenation and regeneration of the blood, deeply detoxifying it for the improved functioning of all of the major organs in the body which depend on blood for energy. This detoxification is on the deepest level, allowing hidden toxins in the blood and tissue to be dissolved or immobilized.

Through the subtle heating, Far Infrared boosts our immune system, increasing the amount of white blood cells and killer T-cells. It is an excellent therapy for promoting healing, reducing muscle soreness, muscle spasms and relief for rheumatoid arthritis. Research by NASA has shown that far infrared on the cardiovascular system was a great way of keeping astronauts hearts’ in optimal condition.
Far Infrared can also increase the processing enzyme activity in our digestive tract, as well as boost metabolism. An hour of this therapy can burn up to 900 calories, showing excellent results in breaking down trapped fat, waste, cellulite and other forms of toxic substances. The rejuvenating effects of Far Infrared has been shown to help heal scar tissue such as burn scars, acne scars and other forms of dermatological scarring.

The sweating quality that comes from Far Infrared Therapy truly helps us detox from the enormous levels of pollution in modern times. It also is crucial for pain relief and the reduction of inflammation. Clinical studies done in both the United States, and in Japan, found that:
Herbal steam (Suob):

You may use any rice cooker and boil the herbs of your choice, like mango leaves, in my case I love the aromatic smell of Eucalyptus leaves and twigs, it gives my house instant aromatherapy, then cover yourself with a cloth/linen (kumot), I have tailor made a cloth for this using umbrella cloth, the steam will expel the toxins through your sweats and infusing your body with therapeutic scent of the herbs. 30 mins is fine. My friend's clinic have a modern equipment and device for commercial use of herbal steam that is not quite messy and easy to use.


Best to fight "Lamig and Pasma", or Cold wind, Our skin and tissues cannot expel out toxins during "cold wind", these toxins are metabolic waste of cells, tissues like skin that could accumulate as "hangin, lamig, pasma or nodules" that can cause body pains and stress.

Me having a relaxing  ventosa, it is a stress buster for me, It was done at home with my personal instructions to my hilot, (therapist). I used a modern type ventosa and the traditional (glass bulb type) given as a gift from a friend's trip from  Taiwan.

Oxygen Therapy/ O2 Bar

Therapeutic massages such as Hilot (Traditional Philippine Massage), Reflexology, Shiatsu, Swedish and Lymphatic drainage massage, are all form of mechanically cleansing and detoxifying our body using a manual and personalized technique. I highly encourage everyone to have one, once in a while to increase blood and energy flow and for our body to expel all those toxins and for the lymphatics to be drain of  this toxins.  

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