Wednesday 18 July 2012

Walk into the Earth and Embrace a Tree

yours truly, enjoying the prana of beautiful Montana, MT USA taken 1998

Sometimes just walking barefoot on the fields, sea shores or simply embracing a tree gives me a surge of energy and vitality, especially in times of low emotional state, I felt renewed and it gives me a clearer thoughts afterwards, why is this so? I learned from the eastern philosophies  the unseen force or life energy which is the "PRANA".

What is Prana? it is simply a vital life energy, a life force unseen by the naked eye but everywhere present and can be felt , to the Chinese tradition it is called "Chi or Qi", Our environment, the air, the sun, the earth (soil) and all forms of living things such as trees and plants  are very rich in life energy, it is our life energy that sustain our health and vitality also, so walking the fields barefooted or the beach makes us absorb these energy, embracing a tree is very energizing because we absorb the energy of the tree, exposure to sun gives us energy, Deep breathing (Pranayama) energize our internal organs and release tensions and worries.  

So if you are feeling lonely, sad, depressed, weak and sickly, go to  a farm, sea shore, beach, walk barefooted, deep breathly, embrace a tree, talk to the plants, enjoy the great outdoor, hiking, mountain climbing and feel the surge of new life and energy..

Tien Cho

"My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass." 
~ Terri Guillemets

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