Tuesday 4 September 2012

Gerovital H3/ GH3

My personal encounter with GH3:
I have witness the results of GH-3 from my patient, an old, stroke victim and bed ridden  patient, a father of a friend. He has difficulty walking (assisted), white and thinning hair, poor hearing, difficulty in speech and abnormal lab results (blood chemistry). My friend complained they are back and forth to the hospital and spend a lot money for his father's medical cost and no improvement at all despite the tons of medications and drugs. So she decided to bring her dad to a Naturopath doctor and recommended gerovital injections, after many sessions and compared to last time I saw her dad, I was surprised also tha he seems very much improved ! He can walk unassisted, can hear better, some white hair blackened and hair growth thickens and he can speak better. She told me that she so impressed with the doctor and the medication he gave to his dad which is Gerovital.  She is also taking it orally, with improvements in her and dad's health.

Browsing through the book of Eckankar Guru, Paul Twitchell: Herbs, The Magic Healers, page 217-218 (1971),  excerpt:

H3, which is a factor in procaine hydrochloride, has been used frequently by authorities to help older people regain health and to expand life. It is said that Procaine HCL is non-habit forming, well tolerated in the body, and above all, not a narcotic. It can be bought openly without a prescription.
H3 was developed in Romania under government supervision and was first used with older people for treatment of the signs of old age. Early experiments were deemed successful, and researches has been done in many countries and has progressed into what is known as Gerovital H3 therapy. It is said that the experiments have been successful and some value was found in treating hypertension, irregular heart rhythm, angina pectoris, skin inflammation, hives and narcotics addiction.

H3 seems to have been successful in helping the elderly restore memory, energy, hearing, dulled mental faculties, treating rheumatism, diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal system.

-Tien Cho

From Wiki:
Gerovital H3 (or procaine hydrochloride and products known as GH3 and other variants which may or may not be identical to Gerovital H3) is a controversial preparation developed during the 1950s and promoted by its advocates as an effective anti-aging treatment. During Gerovital's "jet-set" heyday, Gerovital treatments were reportedly administered to John F. Kennedy, Marlene Dietrich, Kirk Douglas and Salvador Dalí. In the United States, the FDA bans Gerovital H3 from interstate commerce as an unapproved drug and, since 1982, has prohibited its importation.

As with many scientific discoveries, the claimed regenerative potential of the anesthetic procaine, a primary ingredient, came to light by accident. Over the years, physicians using it reported unusual and unexpected effects in patients. Arthritis sometimes would improve, hair would re-grow or recolor, and skin quality often would improve. These reports came for the most part from surgeons, who were not particularly interested in gerontology.

Ana Aslan, MD was a Doctor of the National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics in Romania. She was the first to seriously investigate the possibilities of procaine as a tool in the fight against aging. Dr Aslan recognized that procaine in a sense "attacks" the body's cells by numbing them. The body counterattacks with the enzyme cholinesterase. Cholinesterase hydrolyses the procaine in about one hour (66`±14`). Dr Aslan speculated that the compound could be stabilised so that it would not numb the cells. The body would not then reject it and the regenerative effects would be extended.

This notion launched her on a research mission lasting two years. In 1951 she had perfected a procaine product called Gerovital H3 (often called G.H.3 for short). It contained antioxidants and stabilising agents.

Claims coming out of the Institute's clinics for the next few years were viewed by some as outlandish. Patients treated with GH3 showed improvements in circulatory function, skin elasticity, ulcers, Parkinsonism, arthritis, hair loss, senility, memory, muscular power, lung capacity and depression. According to the reports, practically all ageing phenomena diminished in severity with GH3.


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