Monday 10 September 2012

Vital Functions of Salt in the Body

Of course our body need salt but we have to distinguish between the real salt/ organic sea salt  and the artificial salt. According to Steven Acuff of macrobiotic diagnosis table salt is intended for table use only, because it is sodium too much is also bad, but when we speak of salts we only thought of the salty tastes, salts doesn't mean to be salty in taste, MSG is salt and as a matter of fact cover the salty taste of food, Sodium Benzoate a preservative is a salt but no salty taste, they are many , these are the salts we should be avoiding.

Rock Salt or Sea Salt. 

by Jimmy Dy-Liacco, DMM 

STRESS RELIEF... Is salt bad for hypertensive? 

What is bad for hypertension is iodized salt, which is a fake salt. It is made up of only 3 synthetic chemicals, sodium, chloride, iodine. It does not melt in water (glistens like diamonds), does NOT melt in the body, does not melt in the kidneys, gives kidney stones, and raises blood pressure. However, it is the salt favored by the synthetic drug-based doctors who say it is very clean and sanitary, pointing to how white it is and how it glistens like diamonds. The fake salt is man-made in a factory. 

The true salt, which comes from the sea and dried under the sun and commonly called rock salt, has 72 natural minerals including natural sodium, chloride, iodine. It melts in water, melts in your body, melts in the kidneys, do not give kidney stones, and best of all brings down blood pressure and stops/prevents muscle cramps, numbness, tingling. If you get muscle cramps in the lower legs at night, just take 1/2 teaspoon of rock salt and a glass of water, and the cramps with its horrific pain will be gone in 5 minutes. 

The highest BP that came my way was in a woman who had a BP of 240/140 and came to my house at 10:30 pm on what she said was a matter of "life and death" because the high BP was already giving her a crushing headache, especially the back of her head. She could not walk up the 6 shallow steps to my porch. Two men had to help her, one on each side, in addition to the cane that she needed to prop herself up. 

I muscle-tested her and found that underlying her BP of 240/140 and the crushing pain in the head, her body's water content was only 6% (normal is 75%), salt content was zero, potassium was 96% deficient, and cardiac output (blood flow from the heart) was only 40% (normal is 100%). So the blood supply to the head was 60% deficient. 

I gave her one 6" long green 'sili' (hot pepper), 1 raw ripe 'saba' banana, 1/2 teaspoon of rock salt and 3 8-oz glasses of tap water. The sili was to normalize cardiac output and shoot blood to the head, the saba banana was for the potassium deficiency and to have food in the stomach because pepper will give a stomach ache if the stomach is empty, and the rock salt and the water were the first aid for her severe dehydration which was causing her arteries to be dry and stiff and her blood to be thick and sticky, because they were dehydrated. 

After 5 minutes, she said, "The pain in my head is gone." We took her BP, it was 115/75, and cardiac output was up to 100%. 

She walked out of the house to her car without the men helping her and without the cane. 

She has been taking 2.5 teaspoons of rock salt, 15 glasses of water, 6 saba bananas and 3 of the long pepper daily since then (beginning September 2009), and her BP and cardiac output have been normal since then. 

Two months later, in November, at a PCAM roundtable forum on hypertension in Club Filipino, she gave her testimony, followed by her brother who said that he grew 2 inches, because the salt and the water had refilled his compressed disc spaces in his vertebral column. The disc spaces had become compressed because they had become dehydrated since the fluid filling up these discs are 95% water. 

Why salt? Because without salt the body cannot retain water no matter how much water is drunk. You will still be dehydrated because you will just keep urinating and sweating the water out. 

This is not an isolated case. When BP is rising high but there is little or no headache but there is stiffness of shoulder and neck muscles, all you need to normalize the BP and remove the stiffness and the pain in 5 minutes is 1/2 teaspoon of rock salt and 3 glasses of water. If there is crushing pain in the head, it means blood supply to the head is lacking, and you will need the sili to normalize it and shoot blood to the head and remove the extreme pain. 

Jimmy Dy-Liacco, DMM


Vital Functions of Salt in the Body 

1. Salt is most effective in stabilizing irregular heartbeats and, contrary to the misconception
that it causes high blood pressure, it is actually essential for the regulation of blood pressure - in conjunction with water. Naturally the proportions are critical. 

2. Salt is vital to the extraction of excess acidity from the cells in the body, particularly the brain cells.

3. Salt is vital for balancing the sugar levels in the blood; a needed element in diabetics.

4. Salt is vital for the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in the body. It is used for local
power generation at the sites of energy need by the cells.

5. Salt is vital to the nerve cells' communication and information processing all the time that the
brain cells work, from the moment of conception to death.

6. Salt is vital for absorption of food particles through the intestinal tract.

7. Salt is vital for the clearance of the lungs of mucus plugs and sticky phlegm, particularly in
asthma and cystic fibrosis.

8. Salt is vital for clearing up catarrh and congestion of the sinuses.

9. Salt is a strong natural antihistamine.

10. Salt is essential for the prevention of muscle cramps.

11. Salt is vital to prevent excess saliva production to the point that it flows out of the mouth 
during sleep. Needing to constantly mop up excess saliva indicates salt shortage.

12. Salt is absolutely vital to making the structure of bones firm. Osteoporosis, in a major
way, is a result of salt and water shortage in the body.

13. Salt is vital for sleep regulation. It is a natural hypnotic. 

14. Salt is a vitally needed element in the treatment of diabetics.

15. Salt on the tongue will stop persistent dry coughs.

16. Salt is vital for the prevention of gout and gouty arthritis.

17. Salt is vital for maintaining sexuality and libido.

18. Salt is vital for preventing varicose veins and spider veins on the legs and thighs.

19. Salt is vital to the communication and information processing nerve cells the entire time that
the brain cells work - from the moment of conception to death.

20. Salt is vital for reducing a double chin. When the body is short of salt, it means the body really is short of water. The salivary glands sense the salt shortage and are obliged to produce more saliva to lubricate the act of chewing and swallowing and also to supply the stomach with water that it needs for breaking down foods. Circulation to the salivary glands increases and the blood vessels become "leaky" in order to supply the glands with water to manufacture saliva. The "leakiness" spills beyond the area of the glands themselves, causing increased bulk under the skin of the chin, the cheeks and into the neck.

21. Sea salt contains about 80 mineral elements that the body needs. Some of these elements
are needed in trace amounts. Unrefined sea salt is a better choice of salt than other types of salt on the market. Ordinary table salt that is bought in the super markets has been stripped of its companion elements and contains additive elements such as aluminium silicate to keep it powdery and porous. Aluminium is a very toxic element in our nervous system. It is implicated as one of the primary causes of Alzheimer's disease.

22. Twenty-seven percent of the body's salt is in the bones. Osteoporosis results when the body
needs more salt and takes it from the body. Bones are twenty-two percent water. Is it not obvious what happens to the bones when we're deficient in salt or water or both?

The information on salt intake is taken from Dr. Batmanghelidj's book, 
"Water: Rx for a Healthier Pain-Free Life".

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