Wednesday 12 September 2012

Kidneys and Liver Overloading

from underground health reporter:

Featured Article:
If You're Over 40 ... You Probably Have Toxic Buildup
in Your Liver and Kidneys—and Not Even Know It!
 Of all the organs of the body, it is the livernot the brain or 
Human Liverthe heart—that is the most important to your everyday health.  That's because your liver performs more than 500 bodily functions and chemical reactions every singleday ... and if it failed to do those things, you would NOT be alive.

     If you're over the age of 40, you probably abuse your liver in more ways than you realize.  Check any or all of the following that apply to you:

      You have a high-meat diet, and you eat greasy burgers,
            french fries, pizza or doughnuts ...

      You drink beer, wine or alcoholic drinks ...

      You take an over-the-counter pill (such as aspirin or Tylenol)
            or a prescription drug ...

     If you checked one or more of the above ... you are overworking your liver, overloading it with toxins, and silently causing it to be sluggish.

     The alarming truth is that by the age of 40, you probably already have liver damagewithout even knowing it!  The tubes and ducts connecting the liver to the rest of the body become jammed with toxins ... undigested fats ... scar tissue ... and metabolic wastes.

     By the age of 50, your liver produces only one-fourth of the bile your body needs to break down fats and keep your digestive system functioning properly.  Because the liver is unable to break down and eliminate toxins, it resorts to storing them in the organs permanently.

     The kidneys work alongside the liver to remove toxins and waste products from the body.  Every day the kidneys process nearly 200 quarts of blood, filtering out about 2 quarts of waste and excess water in the form of urine.  The kidneys also regulate fluids, stimulate hormones that control blood pressure, and increase the production of red blood cells.

Why You Should Be Concerned About Overloading Your Liver and Kidneys 

There are several reasons why your liver and kidneys get clogged: 

Poor Diet:  The American diet is notorious for highly processed food, full of harmful chemical additives.  When coupled with a high-meat diet replete with difficult-to-digest animal proteins, you have a recipe for liver and kidney problems.

Alcohol Intake:  While excessive alcohol intake can increase your risk for liver disease, even moderate intakes of alcohol, such as 2 glasses of wine or beer a week, can contribute to liver and kidney dysfunction.

Over-the-Counter Pain Pills:  OTC Drugs, particularlyaspirin and Tylenol, have been proven to harm both the liver and the kidneys.  Fifteen percent of dialysis patients (dialysis being a man-made blood-cleaning process that filters blood from failing kidneys) undergo treatment because theirkidneys have been damaged by regular Tylenol consumption.

Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs:  The British Medical Journal reports that prescription drugs routinely lead to liver and kidney complications.  Researchers at Nottingham University in the United Kingdom found that out of 10,000 people taking a statin drug—such as Lipitor or Zocor—for 5 years, 434 would suffer from acute renal failure and 136 would experience some form of liver dysfunction.

Toxic Chemicals:  Household cleaning products ...impure drinking water ... and environmental pollution all contribute to toxic buildup in the liver.  Increasingconsumption of mercury-laden fish also threatens liver and kidney health.

     Working together, your liver and kidneys filter out toxins in the bloodstream, keeping the body toxin-free ... but only if each one is in perfect working order.  If your kidneys and liver arenot functioning properly, then waste builds up in your blood, negatively affecting every cell in your body.

     This could make you suffer from a wide variety of serious—but often hidden—health issues, which include ...

• Energy drain
• High blood pressure
• Joint pain
• Digestive problems
• High cholesterol levels
• Muscle soreness
• Sleep problems
• Chronic fatigue
• Fuzzy thinking and "senior" moments
• Bone loss
• Blurry vision
• Weight gain

     But that's not all.  The toxins that your overloaded liver and kidneys are unable to filter often materialize as hard, mineralized stones, also known as ... gallstones.  Gallbladder surgery has become the No. 1 surgery performed in North America.  Half a million Americans have had—or will have—gallbladder surgery this year.

FACT:  Ninety percent (90%) of people have gallstones.  Of those, 80% haven't been diagnosed yet.

     In addition, "fatty liver" conditions have become the primary cause of chronic liver disease in the U.S.  It afflicts more than 50% of people over 50 years of age.

All-Natural Nutrients Can Protect Your Overworked Liver
and Kidneys 

A safe and effective liver and kidney cleanse should contain powerful and natural ingredients such as milk thistle, turmeric root and burdock, which purify the blood and remove the stubborn toxins that have collected in your kidneys and liver.

     There's a potent formulation that contains 10 powerful nutrients which can help repair your liver and virtually transform it from a sludge factory to a super-clean "engine" that runs like new again.  Get the full story on the 12-cent supplement that has been shown to lower cholesterol ... regulate blood pressure ... eliminate toxic buildup that causes joint and muscle pain ... aid digestion ... diminish allergies ... improve urinary incontinence ... promote healthier-looking, wrinkle-free skin ... and deliver many other health benefits.  To find out more about this all-natural remedy and begin restoring the health of your liver and kidneys today, click here .

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