Wednesday 19 September 2012

The Joy of Organic Farming

When we say Organic farming, it is farming without the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and GMO seeds. I love to have  my own farm someday and still dreaming of it, I will make a compost that we used to do and learned from High School, I will plant vegetables and medicinal herbs  that we usually do during elementary days in practical education, in Bulacan, PH.  

I will plant only non-GMO crops and the best variety of trees and plants, all edible and fruit bearing, they say If only Filipinos know how to plant, there will be no hunger in the country because Philippines has a very rich soil, anything you throw on it, it will grow, not only that we are very rich in indigenous medicinal herbs and vegetables, we have so many edible plants that some of us doesn't even know! I learned during a farm visits and tours so many things about our indigenous herbs and vegetables, feels like going back to my Botany class in College, by planting trees we protect the environment, we purify the air and environment by producing our own crops and vegetables we fight hunger and malnutrition, no one will be hungry and malnourished anymore, only healthy, nourished, vibrant, intelligent and strong Filipinos.

There is no reason not to plant because you don't have a piece of land. I will show you how my brother-in-law and sister grew a farm in their rooftop, all organically grown plants using organic fertilizers and non-gmo and indigenous crops, like pandan, lemongrass, turmeric, ginger, calamansi, malunggay, papaya, eggplant, tomotaoes, patola, ampalaya, chickens, spices like chili, sage, rosemary, basil and so on..I posted some pictures to share and this is one of the area I love to stay when visiting her home, I called it farmville on the roof:


Native chickens are raised under the roof, eggs harvested fertilized, not hormone induced, next is the turmeric plant, easily grow and still harvest root crops even potted. Who could imagine they can grow a grapevine that stand the test of summer heat in the rooftop and look bear fruits too.

Pandan (great for cooking rice), onion chives, papaya, calamansi (PH lemon), lemongrass or tanglad, malunggay, eggplant, bell peppers and tomatoes and different herbs such as basil, rosemary and mint etc.


I learned much in organic farming, sustainable agriculture and eco-waste management during Farm visits, one of them is the Flor's Garden in Antipolo, Rizal. Ms. Flor is a retired bank executive and used a vast land inherited from parents into an organic farm sanctuary, she is a jolly, young looking for her age and very practical woman and have passion for organic farming, sustainable agriculture, eco-waste management and natural health , I will share some pictures I took during a visit to her farm:

We are served fresh organic vegetables and edible flowers salad as appetizer, noticed the oregano plant in the table setting, it serves a purpose to drive away mosquitos and other insects such as flies.

The infinity pool is made of fresh water from a natural spring, non-treated, no chlorine and free flowing. Ms. Flor gave us a lecture on eco-waste management such as using garbage (like eggshells) as fertilizers, she even collected garbages from restaurants and converted it into organic fertilizers. She only serves fresh fish, meats, juices and vegetables from her own farm that is organically grown, Everything is fresh, the freshly squeezed balimbing juice is a hit as a refreshment. She also talk of medicinal properties of our indigenous herbs and plants. 

Her chickens are free-range native organically grown, fed with chopped vegetables and whole grains, no hormones and antibiotics or synthetic vitamins. Noticed also recycled old CD's hanging in her garden, it is not a decorative pieces but to drive away insects and pests, she doesn't use pesticides and chemical fertilizers, she makes her own fertilizers (compost).

She only has native pigs, organically grown as well, raised in a no smell pens, she used charcoal and coconut husk underneath the pen to make it "no smell".

A health farm in San Mateo Rizal also has his own farm and sanctuary, pictures was on old one and during the time the farm is still  work in progress, it is now a beautiful, Bali style spa, organic farm,  and retreat farm.  

The water from the farm is also natural free flowing spring water, where tilapia raised organically by feeding only Azola (Mosquito fern) and duckweed,  many medicinal herbs and indigenous plants were also planted. 

Native Nipa huts serves as guest rooms and spa, nipa huts are the natural and native habitat of Filipinos.

Hope to visit more exciting farms, truly an enjoyable and educational experience, much more If we could have our own. Enjoy farming!


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