Saturday 1 September 2012

Meditation Heals Body, Mind and Spirit

"Unless you become a child, you can not see the kingdom of God"-Jesus the Christ

( My understanding is that,  It doesn't say that we have to become "childish", but rather "child-like" who has a mind of a child, which is pure and unadulterated, innocent and free. This is one character/ qualities we have to emulate during meditations)

No matter what your belief system or religion, prayers and meditation is a tool in a healing process, our body communicates with our minds, emotions  and thoughts and follow the flow of our consciousness  our nervous system is the physical connection to our spirit world, the neurons' dendrites (tentacles) getting smaller to connect to the spirit world. If you read my previous blog on the "Healing the four elements" , The Spiritual well-being also affects the physical and vice versa. Prayers and meditations is a tool to command and program our Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious and Super-conscious mind, when we tap the power of these, our body will follow the natural order of the universe and governs the flow of energy and elements and even  up to the cellular and atomic level to heal, repair and rebuild itself.
(a supplemental read about the relationship of how mental and spiritual balance brought about by meditation brings healing)

Meditations involves focus, undisturbed thought forms of the precipitation of our desires, including perfect health, limitless vitality, perfect form, eternal youth, beauty of our original form which is PERFECT, for we are created in the image and likeness of God- Our Creator, but our human abuses and misuses of energies and body makes us less perfect. 

How to meditate effectively is to be still like a calm  river, visualize our desires and offer it to the great God source or Masters or spirit guides, It could be Saint or Deities or simply an image of Eternal Light. Maintain an undivided attention, so a comfortable position and quiet place will help, music could be also used, I usually choose classical music, for it is the music of the spheres, you may want to read my blog in the "healing power of music/ musical energy" in previous posts,  music  enhance the force field or vibrations. Hindu mystics are encouraging us to be vegetarians and to avoid sugars , because these food can affect the quality of our meditations and focus, meat is a dense energy, it makes us lethargic and dense, lazy and sometimes unable to focus, same for sugars and caffeine, it stimulates our brain to make it hyperactive and unable to focus. Deep and intense meditations can alter the DNA structures, it was proven by science over time, it can alter our body chemistry and composition.

Silent meditation vs. chanting (spoken) meditation:

Meditations combined with the science of the spoken word makes it dynamic and powerful, because we are using another faculty which is our throat chakra, so meditation+visualization+spoken word = triple action of all the faculties. We can maximize our time and the benefits of meditations, spoken words can be in forms of silent prayers, affirmations, fiats or decrees ( a form of poetic prayers that applies the science of rhythm). 

Meditations with Healing Thought forms:

Healing Thought forms is an aid in visualization for healing, It is the finished product, a visualized form of thoughts or affirmations, of fiats or prayers. It is like a mandala or diagram to illustrate the healing process. It can be in a form of symbol or a map detailing the process of healing, it is a prayer, meditation, visualization in action and forms. You can make your own healing thought-forms.

Thought forms is like a mandala or a treasure map of our healed physical body, so if we make our own thought forms , visualize the restoration of perfect health, form, eternal youth and beauty. Example of healing thought forms I did with my brother in law who had gallstones due for operation  way back, I visualized his gall bladder (take a picture from anatomy books) and visualized its perfect condition, with very bright white light, then in green ray for healing (green is the color of healing) and Blue ray (blue is the color of the will of God), I always invoke the will of God in doing healing to avoid karmic entanglement or attachment. "Let thy will be done"  and offer it to the Almighty. It works for them and visualizing this to my family as well, they became health conscious individuals, they are more conscious of their diet and learned to exercise, even without advising or telling them.  

Types of meditations:

1. Silent or mindfulness meditation
Silent contemplation using visualization to focus and concentrate and or music to relax and calm the body.

2. Physical meditations: Involves physical activity that relaxes our body just like doing a household chores, yes it is a form meditation because it involves focus and concentration and a feeling of lightness, fulfillment afterwards. Others like yoga, Tai-Chi and Qi-qong are all forms of physical meditations.

( A guide in choosing the right kind of music for relaxation, meditation and healing)

(Crystals is also a tool for meditation, find out how crystals can be of good use):

This is yours truly, taken 2010 during a temple visits in Bangkok, Thailand


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