Wednesday 12 September 2012

Hidden Pitfalls of Today's Popular Vitamins

I am very anxious regarding vitamins and supplements in the market , as much as possible I prefer to get my vitamins from the food I eat, for example instead of taking Vitamin E, I take wheat germ as a source of my E vitamin, it is safer and natural, though it is not always available, some reputable health store, carry the most naturally occurring vitamins and supplements, my point is be very careful also in selecting your vitamin supplements, try to understand how it is processed or manufactured, avoid synthetics.- RCB
"Most synthetic B-vitamins are coal tar derivatives. I prefer to grab some rice bran, nutritional yeast, bee pollen or royal jelly for b-vitamins over having a nice cool glass of motor oil.” ~ Dr. Vaughn Lawrence

Your doctor can't tell you... Your pharmacist doesn't know... The drug companies won't tell you... And neither will the labels on your vitamins: 

Foods You Should Never Mix With These Popular Supplements! 

The Dangerous Hidden Pitfalls of Today's Popular Vitamins and How You Can Avoid Them

Dear Reader,

There's something that you should know about the vitamins you're taking.

Something that is so controversial and upsetting, that it could very well change the entire landscape of the vitamin industry.

Not only could this discovery turn the entire vitamin and supplement industry upside down, but could also be affecting you personally if you're currently taking vitamins and supplements.

In fact, what you could be mixing with your vitamins might be making you sick.

Even worse, they could be killing you. 
And because vitamins aren't as strictly regulated as pharmaceutical drugs, a lot of times the labels don't warn you that you could be taking a lethal dose of vitamins simply by mixing them with other vitamins and nutrients found in every day foods.

I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just doing my job.

My name is Dr. David Juan—and since receiving my medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania, I've become an authority on nutrition and supplements.

That's why they call me The Vitamin Doctor. And that's why it's my obligation to warn you about the constant dangers resulting from vitamin, food and drug interactions that have already harmed others.

Click here to view my special presentation to see some graphic and controversial examples of dangerous vitamin/food/drug interactions and how you can keep yourself and your family safe with my help!


David Juan, MD
The Vitamin Doctor 

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It is shocking that drugs are so grossly overused. We are a massively over-medicated society with statins, antiulcerants, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and antihypertensives! This is not the route to good health.

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