Sunday 16 September 2012

Sugar Blues

When I say sugar it is the highly refined white sugar,  Sucrose (C12H22O11)  from sugar cane or sugar beets and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS),  refining process put too much chemicals in the sugar, washing, bleaching, preserving and anti-caking etc. and taking out valuable nutrients from the original source.

Sugars are responsible for our mood swing, hyperactivity, depression, lethargy and even obesity , should I say sweet poison, a sweet evil?

Artificial sweeteners are not sugar but a chemical that mimic the taste of sugar and much dangerous and poisonous than the refined sugar, to know more about these artificial sweetener read my blog on  Aspartame:

My sugar awareness or consciousness came after reading the book: Sugar Blues by William Dufty  way back in the 90's studying meditation and yoga,  since it was recommended to avoid sugar because it makes it difficult to meditate and focus if you have a lot of sugar in your system, in the book, the author talked about all the bad effects of sugar in his psyche and health, how it affects emotions and cause mental illness, it was a popular book then and a good book to read and would highly recommend it, I used to have a copy but someone borrowed it and never returned, but that's OK, I just  hope they learn from the book and share it to others as well.  It help me also to overcome my sugar addiction and be cautious.

This is also an excerpt from the book of William Dufty which is very enlightening hope you find time to read it for it said everything:

You will notice a withdrawal symptoms if you cut down on your refined sugar but it's OK, you will overcome it and will feel much better afterwards.

In one site/blog  Ms. Sarah Pope of Healthy Home Economist talks about how she overcome the sugar cravings and how to slay the sugar monster, take time to read and you might learn from her experience:

In my case I try replacing refined and switch to a much natural alternative if you can't really avoid sweets, just as Ms. Pope did, I am glad that there are really good alternative available here in the PH like raw and wild honey, coco sugar/nectar, Muscovado sugar (Panutsa) and  stevia . It is just a matter of getting used to it, I am also trying to learn to let go my love affair from sugar.

Another Link that talks about the book "Sugar Blues" and how it changed their life including John Lennon:

A true health classic! February 3, 2000
Reviewer: A reader from New York City
I'm sugar-free ever since reading "Sugar Blues." I was sluggish, moody, hungry, etc. I remembered that John Lennon mentioned Dufty's book in an interview once. So I bought it at the local health food store. He starts off with his own sugar hell and redemption and then delves into the whole history of the cane. Very interesting, health-wise and also politically. This is the meat of the book. (The Boston "Tea" Party? More like the rum party.) I like his writing style; he keeps it homespun. (Why did some think this book needs more "hard science"? Isn't it already in there? It's not intended to be in a medical journal [which can't always be trusted!].) When I tell people I'm sugar-free they usually scoff, saying sugar's not that bad for you, why give it up completely. Well, now I wake up clear and I get through the afternoon w/o any flagging of energy. At various times of the day I'll feel some energy racing through my body. (A great feeling; keeps me motivated.) Now I need less food on my plate, and my hypoglycemia has all but disappeared. (Think about THAT one, folks.) Never eat "refined sucrose" again! It can be done! Sky's the limit! Thank you, William Dufty!

Don’t get sucked into “fake health” by supposed “healthy sugars” that are still real sugars.

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