Saturday 8 September 2012

Internal Cleansing and Detox

Our Calamansi (Philippine Lemon) is good for cleansing regimen for hepato-biliary system and digestion,
and alkalizing body and curing Acid-reflux syndrome 

De-clogging your elimination channels:

Internal cleansing literally means sweeping our system and wipe it off clean of any debris, putrefied byproducts and so on, It is de-clogging our circulatory  urinary, lymphatic, digestive, pulmonary system of metabolic wastes and toxins than could block the absorption of nutrients and functions of our systems. What are those elimination system?:

Urinary system : Kidneys and the ureter
Pulmonary: Sinuses and lungs
Digestive: Intestines, colon and anus
Lymphatics (lymph nodes, spleen and liver)

Internal cleansing is a method of eliminating and getting rid of toxemia in our system using oral solutions, herbs, teas and fasting and other natural substances, compare to the other method that I discussed here about mechanical detoxification which uses instruments and devices to get rid of toxins, here we use herbs, teas and herb cocktails to cleans in absence of those mechanical devices. It is really a necessity to cleans and detox our body since we are now living in a toxic world, we can not fully absorb the nutrients and make use of it if our digestive and liver or circulatory system is full of toxemia. We can not totally avoid those toxic food and environment, but we could do detox internally and mechanically if we do so, Cleansing and detox helps get rid of body odor, halitosis and even cancers.

Ways to cleanse internally:

Water therapy especially in A.M. , drink lots of it before taking your coffee, hydrate and wash away excess food taken from last day meal.

Fasting: They say that the best way to cleans is to fast, and deprived cancer cells feeding from your toxins.

Liver Cleanse: 4-10 pieces of fresh Calamansi in a glass of lukewarm water to be taken every morning before breakfast. 

Bentonite clay: Please read my post on "Healing Clay".
Senna tea: Cleanse the digestive tract to be taken before sleep at night, bowel discomfort maybe experienced.  

Activated Charcoal capsules/powder: adsorb and trap away toxins, bad odors/breath

Baking Soda: 1/2 teaspoon in a glass of water to alkalize the body before any meals. If you have sodium issues like hypertension limit the use to once a day and to 1/4 teaspoon, and try to avoid other sodium laden foods like bottled drinks, canned and processed foods.

Calamansi (Philippine lemon): Cleanse the liver as well

Psyllium fiber (could be mixed with charcoal): .Very rich in soluble fiber and good for those who wants to loose weight. One sachet or one tablespoon mixed to your drinks (water or juices) before any meals, it could become sticky and gelatinous if not taken right away. 

Fruits and vegetable fibers- They absorb more water and cleans the lining of intestines

Read again some of my posts that can relate to cleansing:

Are you looking for suggestions for detox that you can creatively mix and match if desired? First, stop consuming toxins. That includes all processed foods, junk foods, sugar and sugar substitutes, and fluoridated water.

Do you follow a healthy lifestyle that cultivates longevity?  ask yourself and take a firm and determined stand to give our body and self a favor, Cleanse and Detoxify.

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